Monday, July 1, 2013

Of Consideration and Expectations.....

Consideration…such a short word and so profound  meaning…

I wonder how inconsiderate I have been to people….? No matter how careful I am , I know I have been inconsiderate to some if not all of the people I have been in contact with, in some level , in some instances of our inter action.

Consideration  or “pasintabi” as it is known among oldies, or bumusina ka namna or poot poot…when making comments or acting on some matters where friends or other people will be affected or we think might be affected.

People have of course shown me consideration , friends and acquaintances alike.  From friends , I have expectation of consideration. I think this is an expectation we all share, that we expect our friends to be considerate to us as we are considerate with them, maybe more. From acquaintances and officemates and people , we interact with on a regular basis .  Maybe this expectation of consideration being shown to us especially from our friends and families have been a source of my sadness and disappointment .

Just recently , I cried over what I think is “inconsideration” from somebody I thought was a friend , who would  think twice  or maybe even ask me first . Maybe the deed itself was nothing to be disappointed about but  maybe the hurt inflicted  was caused by the thought that no consideration on how  I would feel about it is the one eating me. Plus the fact that it was done with someone who have been inconsiderate with my in so many occasions and  I have long known , would never consider being considerate with me.  I felt betrayed , I felt I  have lost a friend because of this  silly thing… 

Of course I  myself is guilty of being inconsiderate, maybe guiltier , in some aspects  but this does not take away from the hurt or the thought of being hurt ….. maybe because I know that as far as practicable , I have tried to be considerate  to both of them, no matter how I have felt that no consideration was given to my feelings , my situation on so many occasions. …I have embrace the fact that some people simply do not like to be friends with me..they have their reasons and I am good with that…but coming from somebody you considered your friend eats up at me……maybe I am afraid to see that I am losing a friend or maybe I was never her friend …just a client….

There are many maybes and maybe I should not hurt as much , maybe I should take it in stride , maybe I am just hormonal, or maybe I should really be hurt since no consideration was shown me ….the fact remains ,however, that I have been hurt………but hurt is hurt and that was yesterday, today is another day…let me move onward  to more beautiful days in the sun with no baggage(s) from yesterdays …..

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