Of shoes and bags and all
material things we get attached to..I
have not been particularly attached to
many of my material possessions.
Maybe with the exemption of my jewelries
and the money that enables me to eat anywhere and everywhere and to travel to
distant places…ha ha ha ha…at least I thought so until circumstances threatened to stop me from acquiring and doing all those things… and I realized I am attached ,intensely attached to all those things and more.

I was irritated, impatient and so
threatened. I am being eaten from the
inside…so insecure , restless, trying to
be cool but crap, I was so afraid
of being found out that my financial status has somewhat changed and
adjustments have to be made with my lifestyle, our lifestyle….what a fake!!
Well I am not the one telling
people I am rich .Many assumed that I am because of how we live, eating out,
going to places ,posting pictures of travels and acquisitions….and I never
corrected them… not at first since I
know I am rich beyond compare ,for my father above gives me the abundance they see in me… until my husband retired and
started his own business and that
security was shattered !wham it went!!!..
Then he asked me to tighten my belt a little ..and my savings began dwindling
..and his “sustento” appeared and disappeared ..not entirely
but… well my world it seemed to
me was tumbling down ..funny since my
kids are going to very good schools , we
can still eat out though seldomly now… funny I am not miserable financially compared to most of my friends and
co-workers and maybe even to the genral
My shoes, the bags , and the
jewelries are not gone, but the buying
has stopped , we don’t go out as much to eat , my organic market trips went from every Sunday to frequent to lately –rarely…
But I learned to keep appearances,
peppering my dialog with , we all need money which people do not hear from me…but
maybe I omitted the fact that his business is not really going great guns at
that time.. Silently praying for blessings for material things …. My
consolation(s) were , that my husband is one persevering, patient man, a wonderful husband , hardworking and very optimistic and resilient and
resourceful , never saying die….
Today after almost 2 years somehow the tide is turning , our financial position is better with so many
bright spots to look at.. the feelings of security and confidence is coming back …the confidence
and faith that my father above will provide and
that he is rich beyond my
imagination , the source of my unending
abundance..slowly slowly but surely I believe, I am believing again (it
seems my faith was shaken) that I am
rich and that my life from now on will
be rich and splendid for the rest of my

I am surrounded with that feeling
that everything will be alright ..that everything in my world is ok again ,
shiny and bright … I am ready , ready again to receive all the abundance this
universe has to offer, that these abundance is there for the picking …
I declare that happy days are
here again ….I wonder, maybe my financial position did not change but my faith
was shaken….that maybe the child of GOD in me has forgotten …that the source of
my abundance has not changed but my
belief did and I started living as if that abundance has gone…..
Abundance is how you live
life..it is the belief that the father above will provide ..my mantra ‘I may
not always get what I want, but I will always get what I need” was left unchanted until this universe smack me and here I am ,
filling my life with abundance again !

Thank you LORD for your blessing
and for the abundance of the universe
that is unending that the father above
gives us…we just need to trust in his infinite wisdom and claim all that is ours, the abundance of
the father above..
Lately, I have began window
shopping again..buying a piece or two, trying on (and never getting them off) diamond rings !! ha ha ha…
Trust in the LORD and living as
HIS child ..is living abundantly!!!